IV Therapy

Reboot (Hangover) $150

Replenish your body and combat hangover-related symptoms like dehydration, headache, and nausea.

What’s inside?

  • Ondansetron - medication used to prevent nausea and vomiting

  • B complex - vitamins that keep skin and blood cells healthy and convert nutrients into energy

  • Minerals - reverse the effects of dehydration and remove toxins

Immunity $150

Designed to help your immune system, prevent illnesses, and make you feel better faster after getting sick.

What’s inside?

  • Ascorbic acid - an antioxidant that helps protect cells, creates collagen, and boost immunity

  • B complex - vitamins that keep skin and blood cells healthy and convert nutrients into energy

  • Zinc - reduces the duration of illnesses, prevent infection, and speeds up the body’s healing process

Inner Beauty $100

Designed to help bring out radiance and natural glow. Believed to fortify hair, skin and nails, reduce wrinkles, and quench skin from the inside out.

What’s inside?

  • Ascorbic acid - an antioxidant that helps protect cells, creates collagen, and boost immunity

  • B complex - helps keep skin and blood cells healthy and convert nutrients into energy

  • Biotin - fortify keratin infrastructure and promotes healthy hair, skin, and nails

B12 Injection $20

What it does…

  • Might reduce depression

  • Helps lower fatigue

  • Improve metabolism

  • Helps prevent or treat diabetic neuropathy

Bachelor party, Bachelorette party, or any group get together? Take advantage of the group rate! $500 for a group of 4, each additional person $130.

Also, take advantage of the referral program! Every 3 referrals equals 20% off next infusion!

MICC Injection $25

Special lipotropics fat burning combination of methionine, inositol, choline, and B12.

What’s inside?

  • Methionine-helps break down sugars & carbohydrates and convert to energy.

  • Inositol - converts food to energy. Also has a calming effect.

  • Choline - healthy nerve cells, cuts muscle recovery time, and helps convert fat into energy

  • Cyanocobalamin (B12) - increases energy and metabolism